Saturday, May 7, 2016

What's The Deal With Abstract Art?

If I had a nickel for every time I've heard the phrase, [with redneck accent] "I coulda painted that!" or [again, with a redneck accent] "My kids could make that kinda art!" when observing an  abstract piece, then I would be a very rich woman! Honestly, I get it. Aren't these works of art just a bunch of paint blobs? Why are those "paint blobs" so expensive? What's the big deal about modern art? 

In an attempt to answer some of these questions, I will quote Pablo Picasso, one of the world's great abstract artists. He said, 

"Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to understand the song of a bird? …people who try to explain pictures are usually barking up the wrong tree."

 He is right! Abstract art is relative. Everyone sees something different. That's what's so beautiful about it. And sometimes it's more about the artist who created the piece, moreso than it is about the person looking at the piece. As for me, I create abstract art by putting my feelings down on the canvas. Sometimes, it's a visual temper tantrum or a celebration. The picture above is what happened when a client wanted a certain type of piece (one I had done for someone else), and I couldn't recreate it properly. So, I got frustrated and just experimented to make something really beautiful.

Abstract art is so much like life: We get certain supplies handed to us and we have to try to make something worthwhile with them. When we get started, we might have in mind what we want, but the finished product is rarely what we plan. And God makes it more amazing than we pictured! THIS is why abstract art is my favorite. No two pieces are ever the same.

What are your thoughts on art and life? 

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