Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tree House Hidden Room Mural: Day 2

I spent about an hour adding more clouds to the ceiling and upper wall today. No big changes, except I decided to give each of the owners' grandchildren their own cloud. This one is for Gabe:

More to come this week! 

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Tree House Hidden Room Mural: Day 1

Today, I embarked on an art adventure. A big one! Some good friends of mine have hired me to paint a tree house mural in their new home. But wait...there's more! The mural is being painted in a 114 square foot hidden room. That's right...a HIDDEN ROOM!!! It's even behind a bookcase! I feel like I'm in a dream! Follow me through the bookcase...

To the left, there's going to be a big tree house, complete with a play kitchen, a ladder, and a beautiful view! (It's not there yet, so use your imagination)

To the right, there will be a large rock wall from floor to ceiling and a chalkboard wall. 

On the ceiling, there will be clouds on a clear, blue sky. You just saw the "before" shot, now check out the beginning of my cloud handiwork:

I'll keep you all posted on my journey. It's going to be so fun! What would your hidden room look like? 





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